Connect & Support
Getting Together
Finding community can be essential to healing and health. Whether through an educational event, a social activity or group discussion, our partners at University of Utah Health provide engaging options in support for participants and their family members, caregivers or friends.
Neurological Injury Support Group
A support group for people with neurologic injuries and their families and caregivers. Meetings take place the second Tuesday each month from 6:15-7:15pm at Sugar House Health Center, 1280 E. Stringham Ave, SLC 84106, Oquirrh Conference Room, 3rd floor.
Sky’s the Limb It
Sky’s the Limb It is a monthly support group for people with an amputation, their loved ones and caregivers. We meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month and either host a social activity or a speaker who provides information applicable to those living with limb loss. We also provide time and space for people to support and learn from one another.
Location: Sugar House Health Center, 1280 E. Stringham Ave, SLC 84106, 3rd floor conference room.

Contact Connect & Support
Are you interested in one of these inspiring groups facilitated by our partners at University of Utah Health? Reach out to learn more.